Webinar: A Re-set in UK-EU Relations(?)

Een bijzondere samenwerking met onze zustervereniging in het Verenigd Koninkrijk: op 10 april a.s. organiseren UKAEL en NVER een webinar. Zie graag hieronder de uitnodiging met alle informatie.

There has been much talk of a re-set in relations between the UK and the EU, which are influenced by rapidly changing geopolitical developments. This webinar considers four important areas in which there has been talk of some closer relationship:

  • defence and security;

  • financial services;

  • fisheries policy;

  • youth mobility.

The UK and Dutch associations for European Law organise a webinar, which will taken place on Thursday 10 April 2025, from 17h00 - 18h30 (GMT+1). The webinar brings together four expert speakers, two from the UK, one from the Netherlands, and one from the European Commission, to discuss these issues.

Catherine Barnard, FBA, FLSW, FRSA is Professor of EU Law and Employment Law and Senior Tutor and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. She is the author of EU Employment Law (Oxford, OUP, 2012, 5th ed.), The Substantive Law of the EU: The Four Freedoms (Oxford, OUP, 2022, 7th ed), and (with Peers ed), European Union Law (Oxford, OUP, 2023, 4th ed). She is a member of the European Commission-funded European Labour Law Network and a Senior Fellow of the UK in a Changing Europe. Catherine’s work focuses on the legal issues around migration, together with the legal and constitutional issues associated with Brexit, examining the Withdrawal Agreement and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement.

Anthony Dawes is a member of the Agriculture and Fisheries Team of the Legal Service of the European Commission. His work focuses on, among other things, the legal aspects of EU-UK fisheries relations. Anthony is also an agent of the EU in the UK-Sandeel arbitration, the first time that a dispute between the UK and the EU under the Trade and Cooperation Agreement has reached the arbitration stage.

Joris Larik is Assistant Professor of Comparative, EU and International Law at Leiden University College The Hague (Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs) and the Europa Institute (Leiden Law School). His research focuses on EU external relations law and global governance, on which he also regularly provides high-level policy advice and media commentary. Joris is a member of the Young Academy Leiden and of the Committee on European Integration of the Dutch Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV), in the context of which he has also engaged with European defence.

Niamh Moloney is Professor of Financial Markets Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science, a Fellow of the British Academy and an Honorary Member of the Royal Irish Academy. Niamh specialises in EU financial market regulation. Her recent books include Brexit and Financial Services (Hart Publishing, 2018), with Kern Alexander, Catherine Barnard, Eilis Ferran and Andrew Lang.

The webinar will be chaired by Prof Paul Craig, President of the UKAEL, and Prof Sybe de Vries, President of the NVER, the Dutch Association for EU Law.

This event will be hosted on Zoom and is free to UKAEL and NVER members. Call in details will be distributed to members in due course. Everyone else is asked to contribute £10 (students £5). Non-members can contact nver@nver.nl for more details.